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Caerphilly Castle Visitor Centre

Caerphilly Castle is the earliest example of the true regular concentric fortification, the so-called ‘Edwardian style’, in the British Isles. With its inner defences overlooking and commanding the outer ring of walls and salients, it is a bold and masterly design.


The new Visitor Centre, located within the Outer Ward and dominated by these inner fortifications, responds to this setting by focussing on the main Inner Gatehouse – the new building ‘attacking’ the old. Although primarily a ‘massive’ oak framed structure, the proposed materials and form of the building ensure it is clearly a building of its time, but one that enhances and compliments its surroundings.


CADW requested from the offset that the building be designed to maximise any energy saving opportunities. The site’s south facing aspect and the thermal mass of the water within the adjoining moats is consequently being used to reduce the energy consumption of the completed building.

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